Phew. Appeals done. Finally i can catch my breath, big big gulps. But its not for long before i have to fret again :( This is the penalty of living in an elitist country and just too bad that you don't do well enough to reach their expectations. 30th Just as I was out-of-sorts at home, Fau texted and we agreed on an impromtu chitchat :D everytime is a good time. Pok turned 19 and we celebrated on saturday. Although she looked cui(haha), we had a great night. See the artificial candle? Damn cute la. When she blew, yeeling wriggled her finger to show the fire extinguishing.haha. birthday girl! yes, i havent said enough. CHECK JX OUT! she got a missing front tooth. LOL this photo is nostalgic. it reminds me of those movies where random people meet coincidentally in the park and became soulmates. 31st Playing touch again was really satisfying. It has been months, almost to a year. These two are some of the many that I haven't met up for sucha long time! We played Vball with this gr...