
Showing posts from February, 2016

A-Lin《忘記擁抱 Forget Love》 Official Music Video HD -電影『234說愛你』主題曲

This would be the last time. From your letter: You always use NS duities as your excuse. You apologise but you never changed. You said you would give me the badges but you never did. You said you wanted to do those things but you never did. You never use your actions to prove your point, its always just words. I understand that you go through tough and stressful times but just because of that you drop our relationship and everything and flee. You took so long to realise, so long to wake up your idea.. this would also translate to marriage. If we were married and you meet such crisis are you going to irresponsibly abandon the family and disappear? Then take your time to think and as you like and wish come back to the family and seek forgiveness for not performing your role as a father and husband? That is exactly what you are doing… 5 freaking years. I am definitely not going to have that happen to my marriage and family and have my kids suffer just because ...