touch rugby-my soul
Now i can say TEAM NYJC! (coz we 'beat' SA)

silly pics during warm-up

little stars shining in the field :)

Shah came to support :D - the players

kissing the winning victory
A team- we learn as we grow day by day
the desire to win
the determination to try
confidence gained to beat our opponent
getting back at those that thought we're weak
breaking thru' the impossibilities
cheering one another on
sharing the joy as one
overwheming relief and satisfaction
leaving the field without regrets ^^
just like this lets maximise our potential to the greatest, always hungry for victory//

silly pics during warm-up

little stars shining in the field :)

Shah came to support :D - the players

kissing the winning victory
A team- we learn as we grow day by day
the desire to win
the determination to try
confidence gained to beat our opponent
getting back at those that thought we're weak
breaking thru' the impossibilities
cheering one another on
sharing the joy as one
overwheming relief and satisfaction
leaving the field without regrets ^^
just like this lets maximise our potential to the greatest, always hungry for victory//