this was yet another return to crescent. i joined the cadets to army museum and was fun recalling those cadet times coz we got to do some imt :D later in the day went for Delta dinner. many of us were too lazy to return to Crescent.. so SORRY PAULA! and we had a christmas eve walk frm orchard all the way to Esplanade and of course with those few complaining abt the distance and heat. haha. pretty lightings.. SAM & YS pics pls :)
Showing posts from November, 2007
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yea today is the day. the food at F & C took DAMN long to come. i was hungryyy.. i waited almost 1 h cann. we were teasing Jaz warning her of stuff they will make her do since she's the birthday girl. haha. she half-believed it. anw when the food eventually came we ate, Jo and i had a 'few platters' down. haha sounds so much of a glutton. and this is our BIRTHDAY GIRL! here's a short snippet of the eelen series: HAHAHAHA eelen is reading newspaper Jaz is feeding eelen they are all posing with eelen this is super spastic. and when we are playing the finger game, each burst of laughter invited much stares and we're not aware of it.
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supposed to train with the J1s today but in the end i only refereed for one game. this is the cause of waiting for my boots which is with Jaz. she overslp by 1.5h CAN. as blur as usual, she missed the bus thinking it isnt her bus when its her bus. HA. i admit we are getting old... :( i bought the milk tea for Oka and he actually suspected me of being 'so nice'. so much for trying to appreciate his help man.. but after tt i think he was guilty for tt coz he kept thanking me when i was super busy. i was blur and took like secs to realise wad he was thanking me for. its kinda sad.. when i handed in the resignation letter to suki-san. its like i wanna continue to work but i cant coz i need to study and i heard Feche is leaving for Novena branch too.. Central w/o her is a lil quiet and lifeless despite being less stressful. i think i will miss the staff there or working there one way or another, afterall they are ppl tt left footprints in my life. im sooo looking forward to tmr'...
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after work, i was surprised to receive a msg. there was a mini birthday celebration for Kaishi who is gg to china, a reward by the sch to vballers. and it was after the A's for 0609 so i expect them to wanna wind up and relax. they made so much attempts to hide the cake and surprise for her but the Fish & co person jus had to spoil it. but nvrtheless it was fun. the F & C birthday song was loud, she must hav been embarrashed. haha. when its done for the night, i went down to airport to send my sis off. it was SUPPOSED to be a happy night BUT they jus had to piss me off. i was waiting patiently for them to arrive and they took for granted. they were there for quite some time and no one bothered to call me to tell me. what was my purpose there, pls tell me. i jus wanted to send my sis off and they DONT EVEN CARE. if i didnt call them on my own accord, they wld hav gladly made me wait or even go home without me, aint i right? i was esp pissed with mum who appeared as if tt nth...
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after energetics remedial i went to meet Jermaine. i intro her to Waraku. first time i tasted the food ever since ive worked for 1 mth. it was no doubt good for my katsu curry don. its just too bad tt both of us had small appetite coz we cldnt eat anything after our set. i had so much in mind to eat but my stomach wont allow. call me a glutton, but its really nice. anw i was alr nicknamed tt in sec 2 la. HAHA. we went to town to shop for things for prom and also check out the hair cum makeup services. anyone know of such package can kindly let me know? and we came across this salon. SUPER FUNNY NAME! its a direct translation of hokkien into english. Jermaine was pretty amused by it.
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i had been away for 0724 chalet frm 16-17/11. it was fun :))) these few days i had been travelling to alot of places which was tiring. went to meet Jo then Jane after in the afternoon. such a strange coincidence tt she turned out to be one of the touch snrs. no wonder she was familiar. shopped ard with Jo after tt coz she doesnt want to study. it was sad to see the once so mischievous and hyper girl to be quiet at times and even felt tired jus after a few hrs of shopping. her plan was to meet her friend after i leave but in the end i went home with her coz she wanted to go home to rest. some things are jus inevitable. i joined the rest of the class later at downtown east. we played pool until ard 9pm before we had dinner. our class had some pro pool, bowling fanatics tt i got to know. we all had subway for dinner then later stride back to chalet for the night. though it was the first time there wasnt BBQ at chalet, it had saved alot of hassle of starting the fire and getting the food w...
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JO CHEER UP ! though she may not see this but i will help her tide through this. she is such a brave girl tt still put a brave front though i cld see tears at the corner of her eyes when we talked abt it. but i believe she can walk alone. she is strong :) and i must thank JERMAINE a million! she is such a great fren :)
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ytd's work was terrible. Sunday is the worse, its kids and more kids. they run ard the place while parents chase aft them to feed them. and when u carry drinks and they come in the way its trouble. and i made wrong orders to make matter worse. it was disappointing and moody the whole night :( plus it was raining cats and dogs when i left work and i waited DAMN LONG for the stupid bus. almost 45 min ok and there wasnt a single cab to be seen. DAMN. it was better today. i was much confident to take orders aft the trgn by Suki and Ester also taught me some. Mei-san is super nice :) she made my day! and i went to Heeren later to pre-order a cd. and guess wad, i saw Brandon and gf! i didnt know he had one and the girl dont look like frm NY. haha lil gossip here. sch starts tmr.. it feels like i havent been to sch for a long time.
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ytd was yet another enriching day :D i finally learn another new thing. learn to take orders and key the com. it feels like being upgraded to another level. whee.. and tt Ana is still out to create trouble and ive confirmed her bad reputation there. i met a new friend! Wan Qing is quite a nice and friendly girl :) the kitchen staffs are also very 'out-going' , for some reason whenever i enter the kitchen they made so much commotion. and there may be foreign workers too, besides vietnamese, i think maybe frm china? i see more fun ppl.. and also hope i dont make too much mistakes Jermaine came to visit in the aft:) i enjoy visits! we did some studying and exchange notes. she is still as hardworking as ever, she motivates me to study. and im glad we can see each other for one more yr again.. whee~ can someone organise slpover? i wanna to hav fun and laugh the night away..