i had been away for 0724 chalet frm 16-17/11. it was fun :)))
these few days i had been travelling to alot of places which was tiring. went to meet Jo then Jane after in the afternoon. such a strange coincidence tt she turned out to be one of the touch snrs. no wonder she was familiar. shopped ard with Jo after tt coz she doesnt want to study. it was sad to see the once so mischievous and hyper girl to be quiet at times and even felt tired jus after a few hrs of shopping. her plan was to meet her friend after i leave but in the end i went home with her coz she wanted to go home to rest. some things are jus inevitable.
i joined the rest of the class later at downtown east. we played pool until ard 9pm before we had dinner. our class had some pro pool, bowling fanatics tt i got to know. we all had subway for dinner then later stride back to chalet for the night. though it was the first time there wasnt BBQ at chalet, it had saved alot of hassle of starting the fire and getting the food well-cooked. though the chalet is small for so many of us but it was cosy and looks more like a hotel than anything. we spent the night playing bridge, mahjong and laughing crazily. aft some champagne Jocelyn appear drunk while Jiaxin jus cldnt stop laughing hysterically. subsequently more ppl joined us in the night. the smelly HL wanted to pounce on me after her trgn! haha.
i caught some slp in the small corner on the bed while the rest were watching kungfu. haha though its kinda strange tt there are so many ppl with you while u slp but its a nice feeling. lol. ard 330 the show ended and they decided to hav a long stroll along the beach, though i was feeling lazy i still went ahead coz it sounds fun walking in the dark. it was great bonding time and there i discovered tt HL is SUPER AFRAID of toads! hahahaha super funny when u see her jumping ard when someone shouts toad. then she grab me so tightly when we are abt to enter the maze which was super dark. she was afraid tt she will step on toads. haha. so cute right when u compare her to when she is so fierce in sch.
on the way out we met this bunch of guys. they're more like stalkers to me when they kept insisting we walk the route out when we are still deciding wad to do. kinda weird and funny. after breakfast i went back to catch up on my slp until 830. soon later we left the chalet and im still feeling drowsy. but it was GREAT FUN!

for the rest of the photos, pls ask from me ya.
and in the evening, past of the class met AGAIN! haha. i had nvr meet a grp of ppl twice on the same day before. anw it was Jasmine's birthday party. as usual we played cards there, had some laugh then later we went to the park where Moka misheard as PUB and she had a great shock and exclaimation tt threw us laughing into fits. HAHAHAHA. it was really FUN there with the swings and see-saws and the UFO spaceship. reminise the childhood. then Tedson was alone on the UFO and it jus kept spinning and for the moment he looked like a minute hand on a clock. HAHAHA damn funny la but its a shame tt we didnt take the photo of it. i almost died laughing. and some had their emo moments there coz its quiet and dark and relaxing..
when we returned to the cut the 'cake' which was made up of cupcakes, we were all awed by the colourful lil details of the cupcake. and cam whoring starts...

im still waiting for meixuan and Jas to send me the photos ya
these few days i had been travelling to alot of places which was tiring. went to meet Jo then Jane after in the afternoon. such a strange coincidence tt she turned out to be one of the touch snrs. no wonder she was familiar. shopped ard with Jo after tt coz she doesnt want to study. it was sad to see the once so mischievous and hyper girl to be quiet at times and even felt tired jus after a few hrs of shopping. her plan was to meet her friend after i leave but in the end i went home with her coz she wanted to go home to rest. some things are jus inevitable.
i joined the rest of the class later at downtown east. we played pool until ard 9pm before we had dinner. our class had some pro pool, bowling fanatics tt i got to know. we all had subway for dinner then later stride back to chalet for the night. though it was the first time there wasnt BBQ at chalet, it had saved alot of hassle of starting the fire and getting the food well-cooked. though the chalet is small for so many of us but it was cosy and looks more like a hotel than anything. we spent the night playing bridge, mahjong and laughing crazily. aft some champagne Jocelyn appear drunk while Jiaxin jus cldnt stop laughing hysterically. subsequently more ppl joined us in the night. the smelly HL wanted to pounce on me after her trgn! haha.
i caught some slp in the small corner on the bed while the rest were watching kungfu. haha though its kinda strange tt there are so many ppl with you while u slp but its a nice feeling. lol. ard 330 the show ended and they decided to hav a long stroll along the beach, though i was feeling lazy i still went ahead coz it sounds fun walking in the dark. it was great bonding time and there i discovered tt HL is SUPER AFRAID of toads! hahahaha super funny when u see her jumping ard when someone shouts toad. then she grab me so tightly when we are abt to enter the maze which was super dark. she was afraid tt she will step on toads. haha. so cute right when u compare her to when she is so fierce in sch.
on the way out we met this bunch of guys. they're more like stalkers to me when they kept insisting we walk the route out when we are still deciding wad to do. kinda weird and funny. after breakfast i went back to catch up on my slp until 830. soon later we left the chalet and im still feeling drowsy. but it was GREAT FUN!
for the rest of the photos, pls ask from me ya.
and in the evening, past of the class met AGAIN! haha. i had nvr meet a grp of ppl twice on the same day before. anw it was Jasmine's birthday party. as usual we played cards there, had some laugh then later we went to the park where Moka misheard as PUB and she had a great shock and exclaimation tt threw us laughing into fits. HAHAHAHA. it was really FUN there with the swings and see-saws and the UFO spaceship. reminise the childhood. then Tedson was alone on the UFO and it jus kept spinning and for the moment he looked like a minute hand on a clock. HAHAHA damn funny la but its a shame tt we didnt take the photo of it. i almost died laughing. and some had their emo moments there coz its quiet and dark and relaxing..
when we returned to the cut the 'cake' which was made up of cupcakes, we were all awed by the colourful lil details of the cupcake. and cam whoring starts...
im still waiting for meixuan and Jas to send me the photos ya