these few days hadnt been productive as much as i want them to be.. but i had fun in exchange. Mon Gossip girls are in town again. we had irresistible conversation at Macs' airport and she was so taken by the airport. yea its cool. cldnt focus so we left soon for Factory Outlets! *bigbig grins! but we went to HiDe and Seek first which wasnt as delicious as i thought it'll be. so down to the Outlets. its super amazing, great finds. once again we found cheap thrill. athough the place is quite restricted, we walked past again and again in circles. Tue another Gossip girl. this time a bimbo. haha! we decided to settle in an ulu-fied corner of Singapore.(acc. to classmates, it wasnt that unknown. mayb its just me)she had many stories so i listened. did some SPA and finished the econs essay. and then we started observing and commenting on the passers-by. the best part was the Hello kitty boxers. haha! corruption to the young minds, wadever. its more to just what ure seeing. she's...
Showing posts from May, 2008
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Hip hop ended officially on 22. to me it was fulfilling and fun with the grooves but to some they think its a waste of money and time. For some weird reason, i was inspired to dance since last year. it wasnt a challenge, more of an enjoyment. Can u recognise Andy? i just found out some history about him. we went dutifully for the final session despite exams the following day. im still craving for more now.
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- wearing Havaianas and finding them comfortable is not weird, so is doing Maths to destress. - getting rheumatism when u hit 20 is absolutely fictional. i was subjected to these rubbish but i had a great laugh in return. come to think of it, its quite worth it since i havent been hearing tactful jokes for a long time. Really humoured me with the powerful language and intellect used there. which reminded me of those trips to Henry Lee's. Thanks Darren and Jasmin for today!
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subsequently i went to join Delta for Crezawards. we had some problems at the door and Sam tried to smuggle me in DESPITE me paying the tickets. after much attempts, i bluff my way through. the performance didnt start out all well. it was more of a critisizing and mocking session(yes we are quite mean) but later it got better. the guest singers are great and the Umbrella song really drove the crowd crazy. Just imagine yourself sitting peaceful and suddenly many umbrellas started to wave along with the chorus. the crazy snrs and chiang joined in. that was super hilarious and embarrassing. photos up soon! Cadets are happening. they were good and won the Crezawards, miraclely just like how we did 4 yrs ago.. its like passing on the legacy.
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'Be yourself day' was queer as the class did not do the exceptional but we wore our shrunken uniform to reminisce those times. without fail, we had great cam-whoring session in the library when we were supposed to do Econs(oh wells~) the class never failed to crack me up. i was an accomplice with JX to take numerous candids of them and had their portraits designed. of course this was possible with my super multi-functional Camera.hee. its as if u are doing neo-print but the resolution sucks. and i must mention this. in order to be a cedarian-wannabe, i went through this ordeal of facing an uber embarrassing moment. initially i wanted to text WT but in the end i ended up texting WT from Crescent NCC, my snr. it was a mistake. sighs. the BABAS little ms giggly. but i love her! Jlok Ms Glam. lol. our very own one. haha! i attempted to be a paparazzi but failed terribly. ChorTeng just refuse to budge. snuffing in-between the shelves. i like how the blue and red goes :) to protect t...