'Be yourself day' was queer as the class did not do the exceptional but we wore our shrunken uniform to reminisce those times. without fail, we had great cam-whoring session in the library when we were supposed to do Econs(oh wells~) the class never failed to crack me up. i was an accomplice with JX to take numerous candids of them and had their portraits designed. of course this was possible with my super multi-functional Camera.hee. its as if u are doing neo-print but the resolution sucks.
and i must mention this. in order to be a cedarian-wannabe, i went through this ordeal of facing an uber embarrassing moment. initially i wanted to text WT but in the end i ended up texting WT from Crescent NCC, my snr. it was a mistake. sighs.


little ms giggly. but i love her!


Ms Glam. lol.

our very own one. haha!
i attempted to be a paparazzi but failed terribly. ChorTeng just refuse to budge.

snuffing in-between the shelves. i like how the blue and red goes :)

to protect the privacy of the victim, i censored the face. to those who know, we all know who that is. HAHA! the super long sch skirt of the century..

personally i think photoshop works wonders as compared to the camera..

and many more creations by JX in my camera.
and i must mention this. in order to be a cedarian-wannabe, i went through this ordeal of facing an uber embarrassing moment. initially i wanted to text WT but in the end i ended up texting WT from Crescent NCC, my snr. it was a mistake. sighs.
little ms giggly. but i love her!
Ms Glam. lol.
our very own one. haha!
i attempted to be a paparazzi but failed terribly. ChorTeng just refuse to budge.
snuffing in-between the shelves. i like how the blue and red goes :)

to protect the privacy of the victim, i censored the face. to those who know, we all know who that is. HAHA! the super long sch skirt of the century..

personally i think photoshop works wonders as compared to the camera..
and many more creations by JX in my camera.