omgosh. FABULICIOUS night:)
it was high, high, high!cant stop the music from controlling us. its like magic potion that cast a spell on you, everyone was so engrossed in their music and we were screamjng and dancing along with the songs. i swear i didnt know i can scream. haha like siao cha boh.
its surprising that their fans are quite young, mostly small kids and sec sch students. plus alot of Eurasians. cant believe the couple beside us was so still throughout the happening session. Sherry even saw him holding his ears, haha. athough the crowd is small, they are no doubt very supportive of click five. it was kinda deafening and we were partial deaf after the concert.

it was high, high, high!cant stop the music from controlling us. its like magic potion that cast a spell on you, everyone was so engrossed in their music and we were screamjng and dancing along with the songs. i swear i didnt know i can scream. haha like siao cha boh.
its surprising that their fans are quite young, mostly small kids and sec sch students. plus alot of Eurasians. cant believe the couple beside us was so still throughout the happening session. Sherry even saw him holding his ears, haha. athough the crowd is small, they are no doubt very supportive of click five. it was kinda deafening and we were partial deaf after the concert.