why dont u try to tell me what's on ur mind?
that can be on our minds,
and our minds can worry about what's on your mind, together.

awws. well that's GG for now.

anw im thrilled! LOBANGS are on their way to meet me! maybe my income will come soon for me to kill those upcoming sales and to spend on presents for the festive seasons :)
im indeed surprised that my purchases fit me satisfactory without trying for the first time. heh. which makes it one of my cheap thrills on the list.

its still not too late to realise i can be quite a good listener.. i love calls! Long, long ones received from close friends and girlfriends these days and chatting with cousin's great. It feels more genuine that way without the barrier of the cyber that often deprives us of the human touch. Through the tone, u interpret their emotions/state of mind and i can imagine their faces when we talk. It makes a whole lot of difference when things are bothering u and a call can help u relieve the worries that have been stuck in you for days. Although i dont usually have a habit of giving calls.. i should try this more often. Spiritual fulfullment once in a while with HTH talks can be fun too! hee. i welcome calls too :D

i have a natural ability to stone and high tendency to fall into the trance state. HA. it takes interesting topics to bring me back so i can be quite a mood swinger. one minute high and another low. lol, i cant help it. (thats not square) lets hope i get high on Mambo night.

side track: Keli, GET WELL SOON. think of us and forget the pain. life is fragile, cherish ur loved ones.

this post is so random. see my scattered state of mind.


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