BREAKOUT is back again! Its korean B-boy. thumbs-upppp! I missed their performance earlier this year and im not going to miss it next year. 12-14 Mar 2010
Showing posts from 2009
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i've been a porcupine lately.. pricking those around me. im sorry friends, cousin and bf. i've been stepping on ppl's toes with my cranky mood. somehow im easily irritated and thus im harsh on my words. im not unappreciative, i still love all of you! im gg to be busy and really tired out next 2 weeks. i forsee its gg to be bad as well :( i hope you all will be understanding if its ever my bad. just feed me ice when you see me, i need chilling. You know i need all your support and i will still be your forever sunshine. Nz, I havent been your red apple but a poison apple. Im sorry, i love you! Ps. Jo shares everything with me, even her disease. Lol!
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Perhaps im not as strong as i thought i'll be. i feel lost. Just like how you lose direction in a maze. really. "There are basically two reasons why people are drawn together. If I can be so bold as to greatly oversimplify, it’s either because of want or it’s because of need. In my opinion, relationships based on want are the happiest and most satisfying. Those that are based on need tend to be more emotionally volatile and a lot less gratifying. In short, love is healthiest and at its very best when it is framed around two people who want to be together."
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I had the bestEST weekend. With the two clowns around, Jo and sister zhang, my nights will not go in peace. It spell craziness. For a record, we didnt sleep till the sun rise. Caught the earliest bus at 6am to Macs. Then we started tearing the monopoly tickets to piece our game. GUESS WHAT. We got an instant win Starcruise for 3rd and 4th person and also plus plus of other stuff (but thats not important). Imagine the elated-ness and surprise in the unearthly hour. Then Jo swear to eat Macs more frequent to get the mega cash. lol. I shan't post any pictures of the night for reasons you should know. Celebrated Yeeling's birthday at Sgn Gardens. It was supposed to be at Chomp2 but god-knows-why it's super crowded and also kinda flooded (btw it was raining Mega cats and dogs). As such, we decided to dine at Thai Express instead. Someone said this right, "Why of all places do we go to the Thai Express here." I couldn't think more, just wanted to seek refuge in the ...
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Its more than half-way through alr. You are counting down, so am i over here. 8 more days!! *** Currently, Im preoccupied with a new tutee and the mom wants me to have intensive lessons with her. Exams are next week and she is expecting me to go over almost everyday @_@ Im not complaining because it is an easy task. The best thing about it is, she is MY NEIGHBOUR. i mean she lives just opp. my block. HURRAY:) Recently, i have been meeting Jo and sister zhang quite abit. LOL. Never got tired of them. Its always can-you-stop-making-me-laugh-my-abs-hurt kind of thang. My 2 best htht companion. Quick recap: Wed, Sat, Sun, Wed, this Sat and Sun (STAYOVER! AGAIN.) Jo is like becoming my bf alr. I call/text/chat/msg her almost every other day. Not on purpose but it just so happen that stuff that are happening are interconnected. So we gotta communicate :D I have been busy focusing on driving too. I've heard that sch dont usually give you the same instructor but for my case, i seemed to ge...
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today, i had a wakeup call that hit me hard. Just because i dont know what i want, i dont know what to expect. Just because i have mild temper doesnt mean i agree to that. Just because i did not blow my top doesnt mean it is ok to TRAMPLE on me. Bloody drivers, fking go back to sch and learn your basics. stop playing with life. The same goes to everything else. i will get what i deserve and will not tolerate any such nonsense. i am not going to lose myself for anyone and do any injustice to myself. Loving myself more is the way to become happier. It is one's responsibility for your own happiness so if you allow certain things to happen, you can blame no one but yourself. i have learnt too many stories to prove that sometimes trust can be unreliable. Trust can be misled and its a very scary thing. maybe ive been way too nice. ive been giving too many chances and get back in return things that upset me even more. Now, i will only be nice to those that deserve it because people dont a...
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Little cosy gatherings last week.. Dinner with MeiYun :P Talk random session. After tuition, rushed down to somerset only to realise they were lunching at Wisma. Great workout. To realise further, most of them will only be coming 2hrs later.. Then i come to realise even after we've part for afew months, they are still the same. The same old KK with his antics, the same shiyuan criticising the guys (haha). Then met Avon a short while to pass him the phone :D And he sent me to York Hotel for Martin's 21st birthday. TalkCorkCorner with a small fraction of Thallo. Gossips! I know who is the gossip King now. We were chatting while yf was working. He was making calls to his clients. Hard life. I always gained new insights from them. eg. some interesting stuff about investment :) Tuition. Kaching. Work. Kaching.
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Note to self: 1. Fame 2. (500) days of summer 3. sister's keeper *** Before you leave, we've gotta have a hot date first :) And truely its a hot one. Scorched and perspired but nevertheless alot of fun! Its the company that matters :D We saw badly abused animals. The rabbits are in such bad condition that they look diseased. The farmers are not doing their job. Prawning is proven to be thrilling and exciting although the process involves waiting and more waiting for the bait to fall into the trap. The moment when you tug the rod and you feel something heavy, thats the victory (3. That Uncle was quite nice to teach us how to prawn and tips to get catch. I didnt even know how to put the bait initially. This game is a test of patience, how good you are at shou zhu dai tu. Those uncles there are really serious fishermen. I didnt know there was a catch but this uncle saw straight away and told me to pull the rod. haha. Each time i got a catch, i will struggle to grab the prawn (bein...
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Today's a happy day :) someone told me this: you've got the spirit, im sure you can do it. I went to Siglap South cc in the evening and i finally talked to the guy. Only Jo knows how terrible it is to get to him. He made me travelled there TWICE on wasted trips and it is not exactly a very accessible place. Fortunately, he is inspiring so i decided to forgive him. After i left the office for the toilet and stroll around the cc, i was surprised that he was waiting for me at the porch just to pass me some reference information of the course details. so nice :) I saw a vision. Many thoughts ran through my head on the journey back home. There was a plan that i want to get involved in and become active again (i mean participation). I figured that i have been too passive and i should get my energy running. Perhaps i should join their sports club and youth comm to organise some events. i love event organising and its also my forte i guess. Thus i dont mind initiating gatherings but th...
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trust is not being afraid even when you are vulnerable. how true is this? very true. how many people can you trust in your life? and how many people are u capable of gaining their trust?which is more important? being trusted or trusting people? love actually makes me becomes vulnerable, because i get too dependent on him i get easily irritated when im supposed to see him, but in the end din i expect him to be there when i need him, but he cant be there everytime. and i get very upset if he cant be there. i cant stand myself when i lose my temper so easily at him just because i expect so much more from him i cant forgive myself for keep forgetting tt he is a human as well- he gets tired, and need a breathing space.i know he's trying his best so i shld give him a break i dont like the way my feelings get so much controlled by him,because all these make me vulnerable- a state where i keep worrying if i would get overboard at times, let my emotions take over me, and drive him away. A s...
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It makes me kinda excited that i have something to look forward to. I have a new found toy! Something that i really wanted for myself. Ive found back the certain feeling that was somehow lost along these years. Its the motivation and taking great pride in the achievement you've fought for. However, it is coupled by an ominous sense of unspoken stress. But at least ive got the vision and determination. Although there is some waste, i will not allow that to dampen my spirit. Let this be a test- the first challenge i post to myself. Im really trying very hard, my very best but does anyone know that? Now tell me what the hell is going on again. im gg to escape to Pulau NTU. i wont be back soon.
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ok i realised i shld snap out of all these. JUMP on Saturday was a-w-e-s-o-m-e! Their stunts and skills are really captivating. All eyes locked on them, the audience couldn't take their gaze off them, including me. Entertaining with light humour in between. I was awed by everything. They literally jumped and flipped their bodies 180 degrees in the air, not once but consequtively. Like a moving ferris wheel. They can also bounce off the walls perfectly. Like those ppl in Kungfu shows. (Note: stick stuck in the butt cheeks) Yeaaa. Left the place wanting more. I'd like to enjoy more of such given the chance :) *** One day in the car.. (Smth before made me ask this qn) Me: You're still in NS?! Avon's bro: Yeaaa Me: How come? But you seemed so free. Avon's bro: How do you know im so free? Me: Cause you're always at home? Avon's bro: How do you know im always at home? Me: .... yes, he just made me sound like some stalker. And the evil bf was not helping. He was la...
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And yet again. again. There's so many things in life that is not within our control. And its just a fine line between respect and knowing what you want. I really feel so sad for Joy. Why did that happen? Although i can understand why she did it, i still feel unjustified for her. This is one of those helplessness that cant be explained. I really dont want my friends to end up like that but its about respecting decisions. Its like you took the immense courage to let everything go, thinking its for your own good but it turned out hurting even further. All because you still love. Whats the point? Why are you making life miserable for yourself? Damn it. I dislike goodbyes. Especially long ones, not days, not months but years. Cheer up, Y! I dont want my friends to be sad :( Emotional rollarcoaster sucks.
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If money is so invincible, i want to buy your time. Buy many, many to stock up in my safe deposit box so that when i need it, i can have it. So that i will no longer be sad. i know life has many sacrifices, this is just one of them. *** Why are we all working so hard for the sake of working? To pursue what we thought is satisfaction and fulfillment.
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Suddenly, this drama became meaningful knowing that its happening real life. That was when it was still TCS and not Mediacorp. im just like many curious viewers, wanting to know their lifestory, tho not a fan. i love old shows. They are more genuine as compared to how much marketing is involved in the industry nowadays. Or maybe its just how time tricks the perception. Compare how the media has been growing since ten years ago. Generation gap. And i hope it rains, you're the perfect lullaby.
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The point is, just seek it. I have been travelling around Sg quite a bit, realising there's many many nice places ive yet been to and also some nostalgic places that draw beautiful memories. Its like walking down the memory lane alone, time has changed so many things. There are ppl that ive once been close to and now we are barely strangers. This quiet lane made these bridal shops stand out. The historical infrastructure has an amazing combination with the glamourous gowns. Looking at them, made happiness possible. Deserted lane at Craig Road. Do you believe this rundown place is a community centre? It was situated behind the Getai and for a moment i thought it was closed. This is nearby my ex neighbourhood. It used to be a pSch and now an Int Sch. Brings back childhood memories. This place is captivating. i can sit there and just stare at the place one lazy afternoon. Another day at TohYi, i passed by Toh Tuck Av. i still rmb vividly how often we went over to ZhiHui's to rehea...
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man are complicating creatures. im sick of those mind games and manipulation. some ppl are just taking things for granted and there is a limit to that. too much is too much. wtf man, its getting on my nerves and im starting to get irritated. u better know what u are doing else i will give u a piece of my mind. what goes around, comes around. i want my retreat soon!
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so where do i start from. how bad can a day get to be as fucked up as mine. i didnt get to choose, it began right from the moment i woke up. one. Mommy woke me up and smth bad happened to her. im the last to know and still in the state of shock. She didnt wanna wake me up earlier and told me that i wldnt be of much help even if i did. Do you know how guilty i felt, not that i wldnt be of much help but i know she wanted me to sleep more. For that, i was not given any chance to help in any way and it hurts. two. Immediately after the morning commotion which i have missed most of it, i realised i've lost smth important. To make it worse, i have no idea when and where ive lost it. i rummaged everywhere but to no avail. ive sms-ed ppl to help me keep a lookout but i doubt i can recover it. This has been my worry but i never expect it to happen. three. Ive already told Mom its a bad omen and it came true. Of all things that i didnt want to happen it did. Ive screwed up smth i must not sc...
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i boarded 51 again. i never learn. it was no doubt crammed like mad. This time round a big lady slowly made her way beside the empty seat next to me. I was like, '' noooo.." inside me as the other guy that was beside the seat has already occupied a fairly large amt of space. Expectedly, i was squashed to one side. Still, i wasnt really disturbed at this point but gradually she leaned and pressed her warm thighs beside mine. Gosh, its sweating. HELP ME PLS. i was really, REALLY DISGUSTED. i endured even till the point when the seat beside her was already empty. i was hoping she will make a shift but apparently she was sound asleep. Damn uncomfortable. i tried to make OBVIOUS adjustment to get her to move away from my thighs and i bet i even let out the look of disgust and extreme irritation as the guy opposite kept staring at me. And btw the journey was ONE HOUR long. imagine. 2 more weeks!
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Did abit of swimming with ys at night. IT WAS REALLY COLD. Then came an idea and we decided to do this.. haha. Bakuteh for dinner. It was good :D Then we chatted for quite a bit at the riverside till late. i love the peaceful and quiet night by the waters. *** We went for an adventure once again. Never got tired of them :) We managed to find Mustafa with my that bit of memory since sch days.. He was pretty much amused/ amazed by the exotic-ness. lol. im still contemplating whether i should get itouch from there which is abt 340+ which is of course cheaper than retail price. But does anyone know if there's any place that sells any further cheaper ones? He surprised me when he said he wanted to make a pencil case for me. haha, very very unique. The source is from the sterilised bag that holds the bandage in army. Guess which one is done by me/him? *** What more can i say? From the look of the photos, its fun and more fun. Although we spend most of the time playing Polar Bear, it was ...
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We do lots of things when we're bored in office. Even under the scrutiny eyes of Honey.. PoonMeiYun was really nice to buy some goodies from choc factory to bid farewell for the interns. That girl can really feed ppl. If you are her bf, you'll prolly grow twice in size, beefy meaty. One day she told us this, "I'll open a pastry shop one day." - All eyes stared at her because she will go bankrupt at the rate of her showering her love by giving me surprise breakfasts during mornings. This is really one rare generous person that i hardly see around, but i pity her pocket. The long awaited nightout with 38s. All turned up except YL and JX. Then i realised the irony. It was set at Timbre for a reason but JX didnt turn up when she bugged to go to Timbre. For some reason, it felt like a farewell before they go back to sch, i dont know why. Oh and Im the last to find out that HL and CY are going to be roomies. TSKKKKK. So much for being your bf huh. HURHUR. I officially d...
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this really sucks like shit. bad mood. why is it me? must it be me? i feel like im the only one being left behind... down down down. no more sunshine. is it that as u age, u emo more. why is the biological clock like that. decisions. how do u let go of your insecurities to try for new opportunities without knowing what lies ahead. there is no control, too much uncertainties. i hate this. some ppl prefer short term enjoyment for a refuge but i prefer long term ones. You may forget your worries temporary but everything will just come back when ur sober. that hit you back to reality and its more painful i think. my solution for the time being: blast some Fray songs to drown my blues, they're good remedy to indulge in.
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A damn cool wedding dance. Will asians have the courage and be open minded to do this? i doubt so. Turn a solemn event into a most memorable performance. Club as you pave ur way down the wedding floors. Anw last week is a damn sinful week. I painfully recall the number of cakes swallowed. eg. Piano's ice-cream cake, Merry's blueberry cake, the 8kg mass birthday cake, Jo Poon's breakfast cheesecake, Merry's another chocolate cake, Jo's birhday cake. (But all these are for happy events, so im not complaining here!) Haha that spells trouble thus the reason for swimming today. Its kinda a happy day as driving was quite smooth-going. Yes, i gave my instructor some exciting experience last weeks which i shall not speak about it. To think that the test day is nearing :S i was skeptical about this chain-sms prank which was not new to many and decided to do some research rather than stupidly believe the sms: M1, Singtel and Starhub marked 60 billion sms celebration...