Note to self:
1. Fame
2. (500) days of summer
3. sister's keeper
Before you leave, we've gotta have a hot date first :) And truely its a hot one. Scorched and perspired but nevertheless alot of fun! Its the company that matters :D

We saw badly abused animals. The rabbits are in such bad condition that they look diseased. The farmers are not doing their job.

Prawning is proven to be thrilling and exciting although the process involves waiting and more waiting for the bait to fall into the trap. The moment when you tug the rod and you feel something heavy, thats the victory (3.
That Uncle was quite nice to teach us how to prawn and tips to get catch. I didnt even know how to put the bait initially. This game is a test of patience, how good you are at shou zhu dai tu.
Those uncles there are really serious fishermen. I didnt know there was a catch but this uncle saw straight away and told me to pull the rod. haha. Each time i got a catch, i will struggle to grab the prawn (being disgusted by it).
1. Fame
2. (500) days of summer
3. sister's keeper
Before you leave, we've gotta have a hot date first :) And truely its a hot one. Scorched and perspired but nevertheless alot of fun! Its the company that matters :D

We saw badly abused animals. The rabbits are in such bad condition that they look diseased. The farmers are not doing their job.

Prawning is proven to be thrilling and exciting although the process involves waiting and more waiting for the bait to fall into the trap. The moment when you tug the rod and you feel something heavy, thats the victory (3.
That Uncle was quite nice to teach us how to prawn and tips to get catch. I didnt even know how to put the bait initially. This game is a test of patience, how good you are at shou zhu dai tu.
Those uncles there are really serious fishermen. I didnt know there was a catch but this uncle saw straight away and told me to pull the rod. haha. Each time i got a catch, i will struggle to grab the prawn (being disgusted by it).
Then made lots of fumble:
1. my rod hit the other people beside me
2. my dangling prawn was shoved into others' faces
3. when i pulled too hard, the prawn went flying in the air and landed near the dustbin behind us. yucks, i know.
4. i got the hook stuck onto the ceiling while flicking the fishing line. haha trying to act pro but have to trouble the Uncle to remove for me..
5. Whenever the prawn jumps, i'll jump with it. lol, this is just natural reaction. Then Avon has to help me remove the hook.
6. We lost the basket of prawns in the water but luckily they were stupid enough to stay inside

I made Avon step on my rod while i take pictures. Lazy ppl will just do that instead of holding the rod for hrs but guess what, i tried my luck by pulling the rod later and indeed the prawn was there :) I decided to just grill one prawn and bring back the rest as pets as he didnt want to eat them. He is hygiene conscious while my stomach is a rubbish bin. Most unfortunately, i didnt get to keep the prawns alive in the end. Didnt have the oxygenated water to keep them alive :( Out of all the 10 prawns, i picked the biggest one to revenge for Avon. It pricked his finger! And we mutilated it by plucking out all its legs ALIVE and grilled it ALIVE. i guess i have to go vegetarian for 2days.
What's a Jap restaurant without sashimi and sushi? Cannot be tolerated! hahaha.
Shall we try to fish fish next time?