How interesting can work get when all you do day in and out is calls upon calls. i kinda broke my record by setting a total of 133 calls today. ytd was a tedious task when i was to make calls to India with Kripaji. As you can tell by the name, he's Indian but IM NOT. how fun was it to make every receptionist spell out every single alphabet of their loooonnng name. Listening them speaking gibberish makes me wanna laugh and cry at the same time. The calling's not tough but the understanding is.
And i kinda experience a little of the generation gap there although they're nice ppl. i do appreciate their efforts to make me laugh although its a challenging task. Their topic of the day is always changing coz they have different targets. However, the subject matter of the topics is always the SAME. HAHAHA, if you know what im talking abt, yea.
So far work has been good and Shirley just promoted me to her 'Honours' list today. But im looking forward to more fun after work with my dates. i secretly think its such a fortunate thing to have good friends. Random dates are fabulous :D

and come back soon!


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