went back to sch to watch The ONE with the team ^^
though it wasnt as perfect as wad ive expected but somehow i enjoyed it. the grps CMI but felicia's was entertaining. she doesnt have stage-fright at all, kept her cool and was really enjoying herself on stage. i casted my votes for the singles. and Javin emerged the final THE ONE. i had foresight. his bball team all ran down and gave him the support while his crazy SA friend was screaming to cheer for him. a little disappointment on the way home..
7am in sch to get boarded to Changi navy base for RSN match. the rugby guys shared the same bus as us as we took the loonngg journey there. the place looked like a remote island but i cld connect to it. reminisce the nc days.. the place was alr crowded with numerous schs as we got booted up. did some passes to warm up.
lemme recall the scores :
vs TP 0-2
vs RP 0-2
it was really disappointing coz we wld really be trashed thoroughly if we lose the nxt match esp. when its SA. Shah was disappointed, no doubt :( he left us to fight alone. but i know his heart is still with us
vs SAJC 1-0
HELL YEA MAN! we pulled ourselves back and got thru' crucial round. phew~ up and up we go!
vs SRJC 4-0
we gotta do it again. Shah whispered to Dawne and once on the field, blinkblink and she got xx tries down. woohoo, beautifully done. i screamed my throat out, the sense of joy and fulfillment. way to go!
vs BBSS 1-0
our blur team. it took us secs before we realised we really won. coz some of us didnt hear the penalty to BBSS. we rock! exciting and happy :D Jaz see u can do it.
clinched the chance to announce to the whole sch we did NY proud, then more J1s wld join t rug :) but sadly our guys didnt perform well when they're supposed to be good. oh wells. all of us had tanlines under the scorching sun. one whole eventful day i dont feel wasted at all. all those fustrations and tears only bring the team closer tgt. honour goes to those who sacrificed injuries for the team. for all the pain suffered, u rock.
gosh i forgot to mention, we got the GOLDEN BOWL CHAMPIONS held tightly in our hands!

went back to sch to watch The ONE with the team ^^
though it wasnt as perfect as wad ive expected but somehow i enjoyed it. the grps CMI but felicia's was entertaining. she doesnt have stage-fright at all, kept her cool and was really enjoying herself on stage. i casted my votes for the singles. and Javin emerged the final THE ONE. i had foresight. his bball team all ran down and gave him the support while his crazy SA friend was screaming to cheer for him. a little disappointment on the way home..
7am in sch to get boarded to Changi navy base for RSN match. the rugby guys shared the same bus as us as we took the loonngg journey there. the place looked like a remote island but i cld connect to it. reminisce the nc days.. the place was alr crowded with numerous schs as we got booted up. did some passes to warm up.
lemme recall the scores :
vs TP 0-2
vs RP 0-2
it was really disappointing coz we wld really be trashed thoroughly if we lose the nxt match esp. when its SA. Shah was disappointed, no doubt :( he left us to fight alone. but i know his heart is still with us
vs SAJC 1-0
HELL YEA MAN! we pulled ourselves back and got thru' crucial round. phew~ up and up we go!
vs SRJC 4-0
we gotta do it again. Shah whispered to Dawne and once on the field, blinkblink and she got xx tries down. woohoo, beautifully done. i screamed my throat out, the sense of joy and fulfillment. way to go!
vs BBSS 1-0
our blur team. it took us secs before we realised we really won. coz some of us didnt hear the penalty to BBSS. we rock! exciting and happy :D Jaz see u can do it.
clinched the chance to announce to the whole sch we did NY proud, then more J1s wld join t rug :) but sadly our guys didnt perform well when they're supposed to be good. oh wells. all of us had tanlines under the scorching sun. one whole eventful day i dont feel wasted at all. all those fustrations and tears only bring the team closer tgt. honour goes to those who sacrificed injuries for the team. for all the pain suffered, u rock.
gosh i forgot to mention, we got the GOLDEN BOWL CHAMPIONS held tightly in our hands!