whoa whoa.. it has been ages since i last blogged. Many things happened but i just cldnt find time to pen it down. some events tt took place:
NY games day 19/1/07
annual event took place in the evening. it was further spiced up with the bball friendly match VS YJC and soccer VS external club. However all was dampened by the boo-hoo rain. pity the soccer guys who had to endure the rain, it was a tough fight and we saw Alloy sprinting back and forth, obviously drained and exhausted. we cheered on for him. Jon cldnt turn up coz he had a swelled up elephant feet which take him gazillion yrs to travel frm one place to another. HA. went to have dinner with yuda and meiying to do some catching up. we shopped on and on.
Birthday celebration day 26/1/07
had a mini celebration for Keli. i bought the card while yuda bought the cake. without this girl i may not have survived through as well in class. through the torturous bio, it brought us together as friends and bonded more during the ordeal in promos. Finally, my forever classmate here :) She was quite touched and overjoyed.
then rushed down to JE to meet FAU, RAS, ZUR, JERILYN, WONG and JAS pop out during the last min. The birthday girls had a surprise dessert of the day!

0722 Class breakfast 29/1/07
nice gathering while the GUYS and girls took their PRINCESSES time to eat for 1.5h. it was kinda bonding however i noticed a particular clique in class still did not join us.. mainly the Grace, Zhonghua sec ppl. i once talked to them abt the class and they claimed its 'headache' which i interpret as cannt clique well with the class. i understand them, at least they took the class photo tgt under my mighty persuasion :) it was just unfortunate tt i had to miss the 'grp study' session with them on sun. note tt they only had tt mere 30min of study before they pounce onto the pool table.
The ONE semi-finals 1/2/07
i thought i wld miss the free preview of this singing competition in NY open to all students. after touch trgn, almost all of us rushed into the LT still with our boots on to grab the last glimpse of the performance. it was really nearing the end. there are a few tt were too nervous tt it can be heard through the voice, a few did not go up to standard and were being made fun of by ppl. those frm my class didnt get in :( they looked sad after and i felt sorry for them. the day ended late again but im determine to watch the final one!
2/2/07 today
ive got to tell THERESA, HAPPY 18th! i was packed today so i dint get a chance to see her or make her special today. im so sorry, i'll try to makeup for it k? lalala.. sch is ending at 6pm, followed by trgn supposingly frm 4.30-6.30pm. so i only went for 1h. during the long breaks today, i was convicted guilty for slacking with keli! yes indeed 2h down the drain. we spend the time eating, playing bball(imagine me like this! first time i tell u) and gg to pasar malam to get snacks. yes, sinful i know. i went to Lit class while keli refused to go, she went to play soccer instead. naughty student here. had this story sharing session in grps. Martin( in case ex-classmate is confuse here, its 0722 Martin) crashed the lesson and he actually acted like some big boss there, complaining tt the class is too quiet for him to stand and he commented tt i was very cold coz i didnt make friends. He started talking to anyone in his way like some strange transformation frm his usual self. i just sit aside amused by his silly actions. Finally pe ended the whole long day. its inter-class frisbee again. this time VS 0703, the one with this gay guy inside tt goes swinging his hands when he scores a goal. it was a tough one, our opponent were strong. they tyco and always cld receive the frisbee in the midst of the struggle of defence. enjoyed the game at the bball court and we win a tie against them. do Griffin proud. oh yes, im stuck with Griffin AGAIN. sigh. rushed to trgn and did some skills trgn.
i was surprised tt part of the class waited for me to eat dinner. i thought they wld have gone off. this class had the same bad habit as Delta. in fact, worse! their 'skill' to drag time is SURPERB. they can play cards for 3hrs and mind you, its only the game of bridge. and they play soccer, bball and SING to fill up their breaks. me and keli were always the first to leave every tutorials and lectures and they complained tt we isolate frm them. but the truth is tt they take their granny's time to CRAWL out.
then waited for Keli with the class until 8 plus. i was looking forward to nice, pipping hot dinner but in the end i was disappointed. we became like cheapos and grabbed left-over packet food frm the parent-teacher meeting. we all ate like 10 packets in the mth of hungry ghost. ordered pizza and it was yummy :) played cards with them until 9.30pm in SCH. they are funny and weird ppl actually. the rest were crazy, really. They insisted on staying until 10pm when ppl only do tt for night study. Junyi even had an UNIQUE hobby of fishing, like in an unearthly hour of 12am?!

but overall my class is noisy and happening but can be lovable at times.
NY games day 19/1/07
annual event took place in the evening. it was further spiced up with the bball friendly match VS YJC and soccer VS external club. However all was dampened by the boo-hoo rain. pity the soccer guys who had to endure the rain, it was a tough fight and we saw Alloy sprinting back and forth, obviously drained and exhausted. we cheered on for him. Jon cldnt turn up coz he had a swelled up elephant feet which take him gazillion yrs to travel frm one place to another. HA. went to have dinner with yuda and meiying to do some catching up. we shopped on and on.
Birthday celebration day 26/1/07
had a mini celebration for Keli. i bought the card while yuda bought the cake. without this girl i may not have survived through as well in class. through the torturous bio, it brought us together as friends and bonded more during the ordeal in promos. Finally, my forever classmate here :) She was quite touched and overjoyed.
then rushed down to JE to meet FAU, RAS, ZUR, JERILYN, WONG and JAS pop out during the last min. The birthday girls had a surprise dessert of the day!
0722 Class breakfast 29/1/07
nice gathering while the GUYS and girls took their PRINCESSES time to eat for 1.5h. it was kinda bonding however i noticed a particular clique in class still did not join us.. mainly the Grace, Zhonghua sec ppl. i once talked to them abt the class and they claimed its 'headache' which i interpret as cannt clique well with the class. i understand them, at least they took the class photo tgt under my mighty persuasion :) it was just unfortunate tt i had to miss the 'grp study' session with them on sun. note tt they only had tt mere 30min of study before they pounce onto the pool table.
The ONE semi-finals 1/2/07
i thought i wld miss the free preview of this singing competition in NY open to all students. after touch trgn, almost all of us rushed into the LT still with our boots on to grab the last glimpse of the performance. it was really nearing the end. there are a few tt were too nervous tt it can be heard through the voice, a few did not go up to standard and were being made fun of by ppl. those frm my class didnt get in :( they looked sad after and i felt sorry for them. the day ended late again but im determine to watch the final one!
2/2/07 today
ive got to tell THERESA, HAPPY 18th! i was packed today so i dint get a chance to see her or make her special today. im so sorry, i'll try to makeup for it k? lalala.. sch is ending at 6pm, followed by trgn supposingly frm 4.30-6.30pm. so i only went for 1h. during the long breaks today, i was convicted guilty for slacking with keli! yes indeed 2h down the drain. we spend the time eating, playing bball(imagine me like this! first time i tell u) and gg to pasar malam to get snacks. yes, sinful i know. i went to Lit class while keli refused to go, she went to play soccer instead. naughty student here. had this story sharing session in grps. Martin( in case ex-classmate is confuse here, its 0722 Martin) crashed the lesson and he actually acted like some big boss there, complaining tt the class is too quiet for him to stand and he commented tt i was very cold coz i didnt make friends. He started talking to anyone in his way like some strange transformation frm his usual self. i just sit aside amused by his silly actions. Finally pe ended the whole long day. its inter-class frisbee again. this time VS 0703, the one with this gay guy inside tt goes swinging his hands when he scores a goal. it was a tough one, our opponent were strong. they tyco and always cld receive the frisbee in the midst of the struggle of defence. enjoyed the game at the bball court and we win a tie against them. do Griffin proud. oh yes, im stuck with Griffin AGAIN. sigh. rushed to trgn and did some skills trgn.
i was surprised tt part of the class waited for me to eat dinner. i thought they wld have gone off. this class had the same bad habit as Delta. in fact, worse! their 'skill' to drag time is SURPERB. they can play cards for 3hrs and mind you, its only the game of bridge. and they play soccer, bball and SING to fill up their breaks. me and keli were always the first to leave every tutorials and lectures and they complained tt we isolate frm them. but the truth is tt they take their granny's time to CRAWL out.
then waited for Keli with the class until 8 plus. i was looking forward to nice, pipping hot dinner but in the end i was disappointed. we became like cheapos and grabbed left-over packet food frm the parent-teacher meeting. we all ate like 10 packets in the mth of hungry ghost. ordered pizza and it was yummy :) played cards with them until 9.30pm in SCH. they are funny and weird ppl actually. the rest were crazy, really. They insisted on staying until 10pm when ppl only do tt for night study. Junyi even had an UNIQUE hobby of fishing, like in an unearthly hour of 12am?!
but overall my class is noisy and happening but can be lovable at times.